First sunrise shot happened coincidentally when Derek called me at 6:05 AM for cross country practice.
When I am awakened unexpectedly I am not exactly myself. I'm snoozing away when my phone buzzes in the plastic cupholder with a beepy and tingy ringtone to match the intense annoying sound the buzzing plastic made. I sit up to grab my phone (I was sleeping in the van) to be blinded by a large sun ray as I picked up the phone.
"What do you want Derek?" I said in a exasperated-because-its-morning tone.
"Hey we've got practice this morning, where are you?"
Aw. What a great captain! Thanks for looking out for me, I'm at Bear Lake. Yes, I promise I will run my miles today. Bye Derek, I'm going back to bed.
As my eyes adjusted I realized how beautiful the sunrise was. I crawled out of my warm sleeping bag to grab my cam and shoot a few shots.
Derek, this shot is dedicated to you, take it for what its worth. If if you had not called I never would have spotted this!


  1. Derek says:

    ha ha thanks bro! and that's one incredible pic! And I really felt bad for waking you up, but the picture is awesome!

  2. Rach says:

    That's REALLY beautiful!! Awesome! Is it edited?

  3. Megan says:

    I'm very jealous that no one woke me up! Where was Annicka when I needed her? :P

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